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Leading means you have to be a good example, and live by what you say. Exemplary leaders know that if they want to gain commitment and achieve the highest standards, they must be models of the behavior they expect of others.

Clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared ideals. Leaders model the way. To effectively model the behavior they expect of others, leaders must first be clear about guiding principles. This means talking about their values. Leaders must forge agreement around common principles and common ideals.

Set the example by aligning actions with shared values. Leaders’ deeds are far more important than their words when one wants to determine how serious leaders really are about what they say. Words and deeds must be consistent. Exemplary leaders go first by setting the example through daily actions that demonstrate they are deeply committed to their beliefs.

Exemplary leadership looks back on a history of personal-best projects, all distinguished by relentless effort, steadfastness, competence, and attention to detail. Modeling the way is about earning the right and the respect to lead through direct involvement and action. People follow the person first, then the plan.

Leadership Resources and DiSC Assessments:
Leadership & Management Programs
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Assessment
363 for Leaders Assessment

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