Successful employee development across the generations can be summed up in one word: Customization. Openness to tailoring employee experience gives leadership the leverage it needs to effectively develop employees of all generations. Offer mentoring programs that are toggled to training programs. Break down stereotypes by organizing mentors by strengths and mentees by weakness as they relate… Read more »
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Posts Categorized: Accountability
4 Steps to Authentic & Effective Performance Management
Effective performance management is a learned skill. Some managers have stumbled upon their best practices through years of experience, with trial and error. Wouldn’t you rather fast track your own performance management skills, and have more success than failure, right out of the starting gate? Consistently high performance often has more to do with the… Read more »
The Cost of Incivility and How to Find Professional Presence Again
Many of you who are reading this may be working from home, or you may have a flexible work week, which could include an afternoon off during the week and sometimes find that you take on work during the weekend. With social media now fully integrated into most of our lives, our personal and work… Read more »
Personal Effectiveness, Professional Presence and the Powerful Team
The term “teamwork” is so overused that it has all but lost its meaning. In your organization the word team may describe the entire company, self-selecting groups of individuals, or subsets of key individuals who have been identified to solve specific problems. Here’s how to sift through all of the clichés and aphorisms to focus… Read more »
Improve Personal Effectiveness (& the Bottom Line) in the New Economy
So your company has survived the economic downturn… so far. Chances are you’ve accomplished that through various coping mechanisms, cut-backs and resource reallocations. Congratulations! If the economy is indeed showing signs of looking up, what do you need to do in order to get ready for the exciting growth stages? Many companies have made extreme… Read more »
Practice Management Etiquette to Improve Professional Presence
Most of us have long- and short-term career plans. They likely include attending particular training courses, getting a higher degree, or taking on particular projects that will fill out our portfolio. Suzanne Updegraff, author, business leader, and CEO of Employee Development Systems, Inc. has valuable advice when it comes to career plans: “With three decades… Read more »
Escape from Career Fear and Catapult Your Personal Effectiveness
As we talked about in a recent post (Beware of the ‘F’ Word), fear holds us all back, whether it is from the next position or doing well in your current one. What can we all do to recognize our fears, put them in the proper place, create solutions for what scares us most, and… Read more »
Essential Assets for Improving Accountability & Professional Presence
The three essential assets every company needs in order to succeed: people, capital, and technology. All valuable, but people are the critical component to success. They drive capital growth and technical expansion, or at least they should. The truth is, a company’s workforce needs care and attention to stay effective and consistently perform at a… Read more »
Self-Management and Your Personal Effectiveness
What is the most valuable, marketable skill you can acquire? Self-management! Suzanne Updegraff, CEO, author, and business leader, can testify to that. For over 20 years she has been working with organizations to help their employees improve their professional presence, increase personal effectiveness, and become accountable for their own decisions, careers, and lives. In Suzanne’s… Read more »
Standing at the Nexus of Change Management and Personal Effectiveness
Although change management has existed as a business concept for over half a century, successful change management is an entirely different story. Let’s face it, with all the struggles that organizations have faced in recent times, they have had plenty of practice at change management, may have read one of the 83,000 books related to… Read more »
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