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If you want people to think, give them intent, not instructions. There’s no reason to waste important time and energy admonishing your team members about what’s been done. Instead, clarify your expectations to show your team how they can accomplish goals or how a particular employee can achieve his or her objectives. Communicate clearly and responsibly to set performance expectations, describe behavior through positive feedback reinforcement, understand and value others through active listening, acknowledge ideas for continuous improvement, and coach for performance improvement through corrective feedback.

Influencing Employees To Accomplish Goals & ObjectivesThe EDSI program, Communicating to Manage Performance, provides practical takeaways that give participants the tools they can put to work immediately, for successful workplace communication and performance management. Our partners empower managers and team leaders to build performance every day, through effective, consistent communication. The topics include:

  • Clear communication
  • Ownership of behavior
  • Positive performance feedback
  • Active listening
  • Acknowledgement of ideas

Appropriate Feedback for Improvement
Situations vary, but the fundamental tenets of successful communication and performance management remain, working as a foundation for effective and productive workplaces.

Develop a Continuous Feedback Loop
Are you uncomfortable about a meeting you need to have with a team member? Don’t put it off!  Take action. Telling yourself, “I’ll deal with it later” only increases the chances of misunderstood expectations.

Review Project Deliverables
If you haven’t set clear expectations, communications are doomed to break down. What are the exact deliverables? Does the team understand the impact of their current project?

Reset Expectations
To work effectively within a team, you need to determine how much communication needs to happen to make everyone comfortable. This could mean requesting weekly status meetings or progress reports at certain milestones. As the leader, you set the tone and underlying expectations.

Change Your Methods!
Have your emails been misunderstood? Have weekly department meetings served your group and helped build positive results? Communication is an iterative process. Continuously assess what is working and what methods need to be abandoned, so you can increase successful communication on your team!

At EDSI, we have been resolving employee development, leadership, generational, professional presence, and personal effectiveness issues for over 30 years. Contact us to learn how we can help increase productivity and profits in your organization. Call | 800-282-3374

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800.282.3374.

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