It’s a normal morning in Main Street, USA. However, the sign outside the office door reads “Opening at noon today. Staff currently attending a team building workshop.” Inside, the employees aren’t convening for a morning meeting or filling their coffee mugs before shuffling to their desks. Instead, they have been unleashed from their computers and cubicles to experience an innovative alternative to formal team building exercises.
Customized teamwork training programs are becoming more and more accepted. All across the world, workshops are being designed to help employees shift reasoning patterns by prompting them to explore right and left brain ways of thinking while giving them permission to have fun. It’s innovation in its most organic form. After a hands-on workshop that inspires innovation, accountability, and personal effectiveness, employees are infused with increased focus and a greater appreciation for their fellow co-workers. They return to work refreshed, less stressed, inspired and able to experience much more fulfillment in their day-to-day productivity.
Though “creativity” and “culture” are important buzz words that relate to business principles and professional environments, the core meanings of these powerful words represent concepts that can be of great value when practiced in both team and individual exercises.
When employees are uninspired, unmotivated and unable to focus at work, chances are they are struggling with a work-life balance problem. Innovation and creativity are conducive to a healthy work-life balance. On a personal level, people who engage in creative endeavors at home carry less stress and experience an overall sense of wellbeing. On the professional level, a workplace culture that encourages and even advocates creative pursuits within the office and throughout the communities where employees live not only enhances the visibility of the organization, but also portrays it as a business that fosters leadership. Creative involvement in the workplace is a natural conduit for advocacy and participation for creative endeavors in our communities. In turn, communities that boast a vibrant quality of life with a myriad of cultural offerings are able to attract a highly skilled workforce from communities across the globe.
For over 30 years, EDSI has been teaching employees and leaders practical lessons in increasing personal effectiveness, mastering professional presence in a casual world, and communicating to manage performance. Are you ready to commit to this “out-of-the-box” concept and schedule a creative corporate workshop for your team? Here’s how to get started.
Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Give your team a chance to let their imagination run free. One of the most intelligent men who ever walked on the earth thought it was pretty important. You should too!
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