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A recent Harvard Business Review blog post details one of the large challenges of taking care of business in an increasingly connected world. Technological advances make it possible to conduct business around the globe with a few clicks of the mouse.

What our computers cannot teach us, though, it cultural awareness. It would be all too easy to make a major cultural faux pas and break a major deal as a result of just not knowing enough about another culture because of a lack of direct exposure and experience. It is as a result of this that multiculturalism and multicultural leadership are so important for anyone wanting to lead in the business world.

According to the article, “As new technologies in social media, transportation, and telecommunications bring us closer together, it’s more critical than ever for organizations to recruit, develop, and retain multicultural leaders who can skillfully navigate both the opportunities and challenges of a more connected world.”

Increased global access is both an opportunity and a possible challenge which can be met head-on with an increased organizational or divisional focus on multiculturalism. If you want personal success and success within your division as a whole, it is a smart leadership development idea to start encouraging multicultural leadership as you move forward with long-range strategic plans, if you haven’t yet.

A Multicultural Leadership Development Plan

According to the article, it can be as simple as being more intentional about hiring and training decisions. “Given the enormous cultural diversity within many countries’ own borders, taking a more deliberate approach to sourcing and developing talent across socioeconomic class, religion, academic field, and other backgrounds could be highly productive in driving product and service innovation.”

The Harvard Business Review also states that managers who wish to improve their multicultural leadership development can also do things like:

1. Recruit diverse employees.

2. Incorporate multicultural experiences into the workplace.

3. Add multiculturalism to all training programs.

4. Send employees abroad for short periods of time.

5. Consider cultural implications of all decisions.

What are your best multicultural leadership development tips?

Leadership Development through Multiculturalism

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