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Many training and development and organizational development professionals avoid activities in economic downturns.  The theory is that if no one sees you and you don’t make any mistakes, you will likely retain your job.  Nice theory, but it doesn’t work.  Astute management is looking at human capital development activities that will offset the exodus of talent when the turn comes.  Therefore, high visibility and a flurry of activity is just what the doctor ordered for job security.  Use the professional development newsletter to your advantage.

1.    Improve Managerial Skills   

Management training courses typically receive more focus in economic downturns since this is the talent likely to move on first.  Every issue has brief, concisive articles on some aspect of management such as dealing with change, listening and corrective feedback, or team activities.  By sharing these articles along with comments, you are providing value-added to this group every two weeks.

2.   Use the Book Reviews as a Resource

The latest business, social media and management/leadership books are reviewed and often the author is interviewed for greater insight.  Create a Book Review Club on your organization’s intranet.  Continuous improvement from those that join the “club” by enhancing their knowledge and pre-selecting books for purchase and/or downloading.

3.   Get Involved With the Situation Room

Get your people involved and have them interact with the situation room.  Every two weeks a situation is presented and email comments and responses are invited.  A recent one involving Generation Y received thousands of suggestions. Provides excellent critical thinking and collaborative skills.

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Newsletter 3

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