In many workplaces today, “Casual Friday” has become “Casual Everyday.” Professional presence is vital to a company’s ability to get and keep clients. Poise, self-confidence and self-control make up professional presence. Here are tips from our “Professional Presence in a Casual World” program:
Be Positive. A positive workplace increases productivity. Be optimistic.
Be on Time. Being late sends the message that your time is more important than someone else’s. Being professional means being on time.
Get Names Straight. Calling someone by their name is courteous and professional. When sending an email, spell the name correctly.
Make Clients Feel Valued. Asking your client questions communicates that you care.
Create Well-Written Communication. There is no excuse for sloppy emails or badly written business letters in a professional environment.
Use Etiquette and Skill on Phone Calls. Speak slowly and clearly. Put energy and a smile into your voice so that the warmth of it is communicated. Think about what you are going to say before calling anyone.
Dress Appropriately and Groom Well. Even though many companies are much more casual than they used to be, make sure you are following the dress code appropriately.
A professional presence is one that exudes confidence.