Posted by & filed under increasing personal effectiveness, Leadership.

Here's How to Tell If You're an Effective LeaderEffective leadership is uncommon. Organizations tend to foster a culture that recruits and promotes on the basis of technical skills while undervaluing people skills. These same organizations compound the problem by rewarding the wrong individuals with more power, resources, and responsibility. They frequently reward individuals who are technical superstars but interpersonal underachievers. As these individuals assume senior leadership roles, they create an organization in their own image. It should not be surprising that all of these organizational forces create an environment that lacks effective leadership and is more about politics and retaining power than it is about strategic direction.

What Do Effective Leaders Do?

Effective Leaders See The Potential in People – Effective leaders first view people as valuable assets rather than problems.  Leaders look for the natural strengths that their team members possess and they align what they need with those talents.  When team members falter in a role, the leaders’ first thoughts are how to help the team members succeed–not how to get rid of them.  They start from the perspective of value. They offer training and development, mentoring and stretch assignments to help these team members succeed. They remove organizational obstacles that hinder performance. Ultimately, they get team members in the right roles where the team members can both excel and help the leader fulfill their organizational goals.

Effective Leaders Experiment – Effective leaders are about results–positive outcomes. They challenge the routine and they look for better ways to accomplish strategic goals. They adjust their approach and they recognize that not every problem needs a complete overhaul. They keep reinvention alive in the organization by making small improvements on what already exists, eliminating what is no longer needed, and spearheading bold new initiatives as necessary. They use experimentation to remain viable!

Effective Leaders have the Courage to Fail – There is a misconception that leaders are fearless, however, effective leaders are human like everyone else and they experience fear. In fact, a wise man knows both what and when to fear. Leaders are just more emotionally intelligent about how they deal with any fears that they have. They are not paralyzed by their fear. They confront it and move on to accomplish their goals. They lead with credibility.

Effective Leaders Have a Clear Vision of a Desirable Future – Effective leaders are very clear about their goals!  They have a clear vision of “what needs to be done.”  They see the big picture and they are unrelenting in their pursuit of it.

Effective Leaders are Effective Communicators – Effective leaders send clear messages and their words to unite their organization around a common purpose. Business leaders do this when they have a clear market direction, non-profit leaders do this when they rally volunteers to serve a difficult cause, and coaches do this when they inspire a team to fight on in the face of defeat.

Effective Leaders Are Ethical – Leadership must also include ethics if it is to be effective.  The truth is that there are some people with organizational power who communicate clearly, take risks, see the possibilities in people, and they have clear goals of what they want to accomplish – and are not ethical. These leaders inspire other people to follow them in the wrong direction often for the leaders’ self interests. Leadership without ethics is not effective.

Effective leadership includes trying new approaches, seeing new possibilities, taking calculated risks, communicating clearly, asking the right questions and listening, and inspiring others to follow.  Effective leaders are not selfish or hypocritical. Whether an individual is leading an organization, a social group or a family, effective leaders follow the same standards they impose on everyone else and they serve the greater good, not their own.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800-282-3374

Posted by & filed under Communicating To Manage Performance, Communication, increasing personal effectiveness.

9 Effective and Practical Communication Tips & HacksWhether you’re helping a customer troubleshooting an issue or giving your boss a project update, you need to communicate effectively and concisely. Sometimes, that’s easier said than done. Most people don’t take the time to improve these skills. Those who DO are ahead of the game!

Be social. Breaking the ice and talking to someone you don’t know is a great way to learn about how to communicate with them, and see how they respond to different situations. Remember, each employee is different.

Become multilingual. Being able to speak more than one language is a huge benefit. It makes it easier to communicate, obviously, can help put the other person at ease, and make you a more valuable team member.

Avoid jargon, especially TLAs (three-letter acronyms). Just because POS and LOL are widely used, don’t assume everyone knows what they mean. One acronym can have several different meanings. For example, POS could mean Point of Service to some, Point of Sale to others, and to some it could even mean Post Office Services… you get the idea.
Learn to say “no.” As tempting as it may be to say “yes” to every request made of you, it can set you up for failure. Don’t create an unmanageable workload for yourself.

Handle conflict well. Conflict resolution skills can help you diffuse contentious situations. Think about the language you use during such situations, (“I feel” vs “You said/did”). Seek compromise, remain in control of your emotions, and think about what non-verbal cues you may be showing. Honing in on these skills can help you deal with difficult coworkers and improve working relationships.

Make the complex simple. In IT, it’s not uncommon to use language that might fly over the head of the average Joe (i.e. non-IT coworkers). Being able to simplify what you’re saying without demeaning the other person is a great skill to have.

Don’t overdo it. It’s always good to keep people in the loop about projects or issues but you don’t want to come across as overbearing or annoying.

Personalize conversations. This goes hand-in-hand with “Be Social.” Not everyone communicates in the same way. One person might respond better to written cues, while another does better with visual ones. Knowing how to cater to your audience goes a long way toward overall effectiveness.

Be short and to the point. Time is valuable, and the last thing you want to do is waste someone’s time. Be clear and concise. Rambling on can diminish what you’re trying to communicate.

Be a good listener. Communicating is a two-way street. Hear what people have to say before you react. Understanding what’s at stake and the feelings of everyone involved is crucial to effective communication, and ultimately, success.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800-282-3374


Posted by & filed under Accountability, Career Development.

How To Increase Your Level of Personal EffectivenessDoes it seem like some of your colleagues have been granted access to “the secrets of success?” The truth is, there are no secrets. There are simple principles of personal effectiveness that have stood the test of time. At EDSI, we have not only seen these principles adopted and embraced by the most empowered, successful people but we have used them in our work with countless clients. It is time for you to learn about these principles and hopefully consider incorporating them into your approach to success.

Embrace Your Personal Responsibility. No one is responsible for your life circumstances except you. It is true that people and events will impact you in ways you cannot control, but ultimately you are the only person who can decide what you will do with the experiences you’ve had, the dreams you strive for and the actions you take each and every day.
To be responsible quite literally means that you have “independent decision-making control to respond” to the events of your life. This ability to manage the conditions and events in your life at any given time and to decide if those circumstances are working for you or not is ongoing. You always retain the power to take action and to change circumstances that aren’t measuring up to your values and standards.

Let go of the past. They learn from the past and let it go. They live each day in the present, with their eye on the future they wish to create. When something bad happens, they take in the facts, analyze the situation, invest their power and take responsibility to address it in a way that compliments the life they want to live.
You are so powerful! Don’t give your power to the past—to people who have hurt you or to the experiences that undermined your self-confidence. Invest yourself in the belief that you can handle anything that comes your way and then take responsibility to handle it.

Master the Art of Adjusting to Change. One thing is certain in life—everything must change. Nothing is static. In fact, right now every area of your life is evolving. This truth really puts some people in a tailspin, and there is good reason for that. It is a basic human need to feel secure. We need to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally safe in order to live at our highest potential. A common strategy used to create this sense of safety involves establishing a level of predictability in your day-to-day experience. The problem is that the very nature of change shakes this predictability up.

Effective people accept the inevitability of change and consciously decide how they will embrace and manage it when it arrives. The key to successfully taking this approach requires you to identify the essence of what you value in your current circumstances and to incorporate those qualities into the changing conditions you’re dealing with.

Within every circumstance of your life—those you love and those you don’t—there is a kernel nature that impacts your perception of that event. When the winds of change begin blowing in your life, make time to connect with the essence of the circumstances that are evolving and make plans to infuse your new conditions with those core characteristics.

Stay Focused! The quality of your life is directly related to what you focus on in any given moment. Focus directs your attention and clarifies your actions. Effective people are masters at establishing and maintaining focus. They focus on their dreams and the results they want to create. When they encounter a problem, they focus on solving that problem so that they can get back to moving toward their goals.

Establishing focus requires that you acquire a clear vision about what you want and what you have to do to get there. It also requires that you clearly define your priorities and manage your time and energy in accordance with those priorities.
Effective people are willing to say no. When they make a commitment, they follow through on that commitment unless they are presented with a true emergency, and before making a commitment they carefully evaluate whether or not that promise will support or detract from their present undertakings.

Surround Yourself with Empowering People. Nothing will sabotage your efforts to live a healthy, balanced, fulfilled life more surely than being surrounded by people who don’t support your desires and values. The most difficult choices will be that of nurturing relationships with those who sustain you and identifying and terminating relationships with those who aren’t willing to support your growth.

Your relationships have the capacity to lift you up. They also have the capacity to keep you stuck or tear you down. Surrounding yourself with people who support your growth is an incredibly powerful way to create a lifestyle that pulls you toward your highest potential. Surrounding yourself with people who don’t will almost certainly undermine the very change that you’re attempting to make.

Your commitment to surrounding yourself with supportive people and clearly asking for the kind of support you need sets you up for success. Your willingness to develop relationships with people who share your values and interests increases your chances of success still further. Your resolve to end relationships with people who won’t support or who undermine your attempts at change ensures your success.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800-282-3374

Posted by & filed under Career Development, Change Management, Communicating To Manage Performance, Communication, Time management, Work Life Balance.

Become An Effective Leader Through Time ManagementMany businesses focus on time management but we have discovered that leaders need to focus on expanding and managing energy—not time. It’s not the time you devote to your work or family that brings real value, but the energy and passion you bring to the time you have.

Take care of business! Effectively managing energy requires training like an elite athlete — a corporate athlete and how employees take care of their bodies has a significant effect on their ability to perform in high-stress environments. The bottom line: Taking care of your body is taking care of business!  Good physical energy provides the foundation, but today’s workers need their full and best energy, they need to expand and maximize their energy to perform at their best and stay fully engaged at work and at home. Successful executives make time for exercise. Recent research indicates that exercise makes us more productive and increases oxygen to the brain. Beyond being physically healthier, every worker needs to be:

  • Emotionally engaged so positive emotions dominate in the work environment.
Mentally focused on the task at hand with a positive mindset.
  • Spiritually aligned with the work mission and their vocation.
  • By taking this holistic approach, you can achieve your full and best energy and be fully engaged.
  • Business should begin by developing a holistic multistep process in which employees evaluate how they could improve in life and at work. Key elements of the program would include:
  • Discuss your ultimate mission, defining where you need to invest your energy to achieve a successful home and work life.
  • Evaluate yourself and face the truth about where your energy is being invested?
• Develop a 90-day Training Mission to make changes.
  • Articulate Your “Old Story.”  How you think about a task—your private voice—will affect how you approach a challenge.  The tone and content of your private voice will determine your success or failure, for example, thinking in a negative way about a challenge will make you less likely to succeed.
  • Create Your “New Story.”  Develop a more positive “script” for your private voice going forward.  World-class athletes and people in high-stress jobs avoid thinking in negative terms and instead recognize that a challenge is an opportunity to stretch and grow.
  • Embed Supportive Habits. Athletes sharpen their focus and maintain concentration by developing supportive habits. For example, a basketball player may dribble the ball exactly three times and take a deep breath before each free throw. Going through this type of repetitive process grounds your new story in behavioral reality.
  • Establish accountability and support at work and home.

As the economy recovers, many firms have a critical mass of employees who are toxically disengaged. Those firms who invest in their employees will be positioned to take full advantage of the economic rebound and gain a sustainable edge.  By taking a more holistic approach, firms can create a great place to work, generate lower health care costs, and most important help employees live more productive, healthier, happier, and balanced lives at home and work.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800-282-3374

Posted by & filed under Employee Development, Time management.

How To Manage Employee Energy & Productivity LevelsThere’s a human energy crisis in business today. Managers and employees have survived the worst economic downturn in 60 years and as a result the demand on our energy is at an all-time high.  Every employee is under constant pressure to perform as we are being asked to do more with less–to be more productive, effective, and to reach greater levels of profitability.

This is causing a steady deterioration process for many employees as the demand on our energy far exceeds our supply leading to fatigue which, among other things, makes us irritable and uncommunicative at home and at work. Our behavior then negatively affects our family relationships and we begin to resent work. The cycle continues and our engagement level at work falters and becomes progressively worse. Managers are trying to find new ways to successfully communicate and manage performance.

Eventually, we find ourselves at a toxic level of disengagement, becoming an all too common scenario. To meet the increasing demands, many individuals sacrifice their health, family, and personal happiness. The most critical resource we have as human beings is our energy, and most of us fail to manage it effectively. How can firms reverse the tide?

At Employee Development Systems, we partner with organizations to resolve these issues and help workplaces become positive, innovative. Most of all, it increases their ability to compete and succeed in their market!

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800-282-3374


Posted by & filed under Employee Development, Performance Management, Personal Effectiveness, Professional Presence in a Casual World.

One Skill Will Increase Team Productivity TodayWe all want to increase productivity, right? Becoming more effective includes increased productivity is a result of many factoris, including in greater focus, fewer distractions, better time management, and other key skills. But all of them lead to the holy grail of increased productivity. We’re talking about productivity that does not leave you frantic and chasing the next activity before you finish the first one. Running harder is not the answer. Here is a round-up of increased productivity wisdom.

3 Ways to Increase Trust (& Productivity!) in Your Team Today

Productive work relationships are based on trust.  An environment of trust carries with it an implicit message that you have each other’s best interests in mind, clearing the way for employees to accept criticism and even anger from their manager. They know deep down that the boss really means to help. Managers need to be proactive and create an environment of trust apparent to all, but how do we do that. Read more…

This One Skill Will Increase Team Productivity Today!

How can you help build “ownership” in your team? This article will walk you through it and give you practical takeaways.

Here Is the Fast Track to Increased Productivity & Effectiveness in Your Workplace

Reframe Productivity as a Path to Freedom Introduce the idea of how increased productivity is really a conversation about clarifying priorities and letting go of tasks and projects that are out of line with the organization and department goals. Re-asses Workload According to Actual Priorities It sounds obvious, but increased productivity begins with clarifying… Read more »

3 Steps to Using the Generation Gap for Increased Productivity

The behavior, traits and learning styles of four generations in one workplace create unique challenges to leaders and organizations. Industry leaders learn to leverage those differences. Employee Development Systems, Inc. provides programs that help all generations improve professionalism in the workplace and increasing personal effectiveness, giving them the tools they need to successfully communicate with… Read more »

Productivity Habits

Your focus from minute-to-minute every day is what builds your day. The productivity of your every day makes up the productivity of your week. Adopt these simple habits to increase your personal effectiveness and professional presence. Watch your productivity skyrocket and the frenzy plunge. Learn to say no and become a good quitter. In the… Read more »

Employee Development Systems, Inc. is here to help! 

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800.282.3374

Posted by & filed under Active Listening, Communicating To Manage Performance, Communication, Employee Development.

4 Quick Strategies to Improve Your Career TodayEffective communication skills are vital to a successful, rewarding business. You need to communicate well with your clients, staff, partners, associates, and vendors. Improving your communication skills will let you express yourself with more confidence; more confidence will help you attract more clients and influence your peers and referral sources.

You probably feel that you already have mastered effective communication, right? Most of us think we have it all figured out, but very few of us actually take time to consciously and critically take a look at our strengths and areas where we can improve. If you take just a few minutes to consciously master effective communication, your career and personal life will be more enjoyable, because if you are communicating well with people they will trust and like you, and that will make it easier to like – and enjoy helping – them. Your business will also be more profitable, because clients will be more likely to pay your bill.

Verbal Communication – Don’t grow dependent on email. Some things are best handled by picking up the phone. Bad news especially should be given by phone or in person, rather than by email.

Negotiations are more likely to be successful when handled in person or by phone. Discussing a problem verbally with a colleague or client gives you the forum to engage in the other six communication skills which will help you in maintaining the client’s trust. Never rely on email to handle the difficult conversations or nuanced negotiations! Bravery and forthrightness comes in one form, and that is standing up and being honest with others.

Calls that you might be tempted to avoid making include letting a client know that a matter will not be completed by the promised date. As soon as you know the matter won’t be completed on time, meet your colleague or client in person. If that isn’t possible, pick up the phone and talk to them. The sign of a confident, competent leader is one that handles problems through honest, prompt communication with clients.

Good Listening – Good listening skills are crucial for effective communication. When clients are listened to, they feel understood and are more trusting of you. To connect with your clients and others, and to have them experience you as an effective business person, polish your listening skills.

Curiosity – When we ask questions, we convey our interest. Being curious about someone helps us engage and validate that person. Questions also give us the opportunity to really understand what is going on with the person — a crucial factor in delivering sound business advice.

Persuasion – To be successful, a leader must be persuasive. Persuasion is important when negotiating, hiring outstanding staff, and responding to client requests for a proposal. To be persuasive, you need to be inquisitive and open, so that you understand your audience’s thoughts and beliefs and can align your arguments accordingly.

When you can, conduct your important discussions when you are feeling most confident. Be calm, prepared, and detached. Do not let uncontrolled emotions run the conversation. Before your meeting, give yourself five minutes to strike a confident pose. This will increase testosterone in your body, which will also increase your confidence.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800.282.3374


Posted by & filed under Career Development, Communicating To Manage Performance, teamwork.

Commitment vs Consensus: Which Is Better For Teamwork?The Third of the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team – Commitment or Consensus? If you could only choose one for your team, which would it be?

Like most people, you might first pick consensus. After all, a team in agreement is a team that’s less political, more successful and more growth-oriented, but this is entirely untrue. With team members who truly trust one another (first of five behaviors), conflict fosters creativity and problem-solving (second of five behaviors). Although consensus is likely to result in everyone smiling on the outside, it doesn’t actually mean that everyone is agrees with the plan of action.

To really have team members personally committed to developing solutions and achieving goals, you need commitment.
How Commitment Helps Teams – Commitment to a decision is more than just acknowledging one’s agreement – it’s a complete buy-in. To be truly committed to a plan, team members must have clarity about what the plan is and why it’s the smartest and best move. To acquire clarity, everyone needs to be able to contribute his or her opinions and ideas during the decision-making process.

  • True commitment means that team members have a clear ‘reason for being’. A team that commits:
    Clearly States its priorities and decisions
  • Is unified by a common objective
  • Moves forward without second-guessing
  • Is able to learn from its mistakes
  • Is capable of changing direction without hesitating or feeling guilty
  • Teams without commitment are prone to lack of focus and stagnation. Additionally, even when an uncommitted team does move forward with a plan or idea, members who haven’t fully bought in can end up feeling disregarded or ‘left behind’. It becomes apparent their priorities aren’t the same as everyone else’s and different people end up working towards different goals. Without commitment, teams:
  • Feel uninvolved and disinterested about their direction or priorities
  • Overanalyze and delay action, eventually missing opportunities
  • Quickly become less confident and more fearful of failure
  • Become prone to second-guessing
  • Waste time by repeatedly going over the same decisions and discussions over and over

Commitment without Consensus – Don’t forget, you are not required to have consensus to have commitment. When team members are inspired to share their ideas and know they’re heard, they’re better able to see the benefits of a smart decision – even if it isn’t their decision. As a result, they walk away motivated and feeling valuable rather than directionless and resentful.
Promoting Commitment Starts With Leaders – Promoting commitment starts with creating a positive company culture by building trust and encouraging constructive conflict. When team members can be vulnerable with one another and feel confident expressing their opinions, they are more willing and enthusiastic to be an integral part of a well-oiled machine. They’re also more likely to feel invested in wanting to keep that machine running as efficiently as possible by fully committing to plans and decisions.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800.282.3374

Posted by & filed under Accountability, Conflict, Conflict Resolution.

Arguing & Conflicts Can Be Good For Your CompanyCan arguing actually be a sign of a highly functional team?

By all means —as long as you have trust. Once team members are comfortable being vulnerable with each other, they can become even stronger by mastering the art of conflict. The fact is conflict that occurs within an environment of trust means that team members are engaging in an open, constructive discussion of ideas. It helps teams – and companies – grow.
The result: More creativity. More productivity. Better results.

Good vs. Bad Conflict – Different types of conflict can give different results. Healthy conflict encourages growth, while unhealthy conflict—which can occur in a hidden way or in the form of an explosive attack—leads to dysfunction.

These various styles all live within a conflict continuum:

  • Hidden conflict, or unnatural harmony, occurs when teams who are afraid of conflict actively work to avoid it.
  • Constructive conflict is healthy discussion that focuses on issues and topics, not on people or their character.
  • Conversations keep their integrity, encourage self-awareness, and ensure team members are comfortable by adhering to pre-established guidelines (for instance, no foul language).
  • Destructive conflict involves personal attacks on people rather than constructive conversations over issues. It’s mean-spirited and unproductive.

Why Your Team Needs Conflict – Most leaders and managers spend too much time trying to steer teams away from the passionate debates that often lead to conflict. In the long run, forcing people to suppress their opinions ends up causing dysfunction rather than harmony. And that’s not all. A team that is afraid of conflict:

  • Tends to have boring meetings
  • Typically ignores controversial topics that are necessary to success
  • Fails to tap into the opinions and views of every team member
  • Creates environments where personal attacks thrive
  • Wastes time and energy on office politics

Sounds like a pretty dismal picture, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t you rather have a team that engages in conflict, and that:

  • Tends to have lively, interesting meetings
  • Always puts necessary topics on the table for discussion
  • Encourages and benefits from the opinions and views of every team member
  • Solves real problems quickly
  • Minimizes office politics

How to Add Conflict to Your Team – People are inherently uncomfortable with conflict, which means that the first step to promoting productive conflict among your team is simply by acknowledging that constructive conflict is a good thing that increases productivity, not problems.

Once your team members accept the idea of engaging in healthy conflict, you’ll start tapping into a variety of fresh perspectives and opinions. And when everything is on the table, the team can feel more confident in making decisions and developing action plans – and in the end, get more done. After all, isn’t that the whole point?

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800.282.3374

Posted by & filed under Actively Engaged Workers, Personal Effectiveness.

4 Ways To Boost Your Creative Thinking & Personal EffectivenessAccording to a running annual survey of thousands of senior executives*, seven out of the last eight years, creativity has ranked as the top strategic corporate imperative. Face it. We’ve moved beyond the days when any of us could claim that we’re “just not a creative type.” We’re all creative, including you! Our ability to create depends on whether we decide to exercise the creative centers of our brain or not. James Altucher, founder of over 20 companies and bestselling author, creativity is the key to his success. For Altucher, his daily creativity exercise is to keep a small pad in his pocket and hold himself to brainstorming at least 10 new ideas every day. You may want to try this.

Here more ways that you can wake your own sleeping creativity. Once you do, you’ll see your creativity integrated into career decision making and problem solving. You can be the one to come up with new, unexpected solutions.

1. List options. In chess, the first thing a grandmaster does when its his turn is not look deeply down one variation but takes a step back and lists all of the possible option moves. Once you finish that list, create lists of options for each item. What would be your next set of choices if you were to choose option B?

Altucher: “Take a pad (my favorite choice: the waiter’s pad) and start listing options. I still do this all the time. Since its your own private pad your options can be as insane as possible. Who cares? Its your pad! This is not supposed to lead to anything (yet) but just as exercises to kickstart the creativity.”

2. Combine Ideas. If you have 20 options on your list, think of ways that you could combine some of your ideas to create new possibilities.  (created Let’s say there are 10,000 possible things you can be interested in.

3. Adopt or learn about a new technology. Can it be used in your job or organization? How can you integrate its various functions and tools to come up with new solutions for your workplace challenges? Start reading about every new technology you can find. Even if you don’t use it, the new concepts and innovations tied to new technologies will help you come up with fresh ideas for your career, team, and organization.

4. Be a connector. It’s been said that “you are only as valuable as your connections.” This is probably true, but even more, actively connecting others helps you think of the people you know in a new way. Consider yourself a connector. Every time you meet someone new, think about how you might be able to connect that person with someone else in your network.

5. Move. If you are at a standstill with a major project, things seem grim at work, and you feel a sense of dread, then leave. Really. Just get up from your desk and take a walk. The best way to freshen up your mind and kickstart some new and creative thoughts is to move your body. Walking meetings result in more creative outcomes than those held in a staid conference room.

Leaders with the most impact are those who can build and successfully manage great teams. Every day, we help our clients and colleagues achieve their highest levels of professional presence and personal effectiveness. That includes everyone on the ladder, from company presidents to project managers, to staff members. Contact us at 800-282-3374 to find out how we can help you impact your own productivity and the productivity of your entire organization.

We deliver results-oriented training programs that increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance. Call 800.282.3374

Source: (