Posted by & filed under DISC Personality Styles, Leadership.

disc personality stylesThe DiSC assessment is one of the best ways that we can understand our unique personalities and motivations and those of the people with whom we interact. This detailed inventory reveals and explains four key personality traits, which it calls “dimensions.” According to the DiSC, personality styles are constructed by the “recipe” of these four traits together. Each person will exhibit a dominant trait, but the strength of each trait and how they work in concert is truly what makes a personality. For the next couple of weeks, we’ll examine the four dimensions of the DiSC. When you , you’ll find that one of the possible traits is Dominance.

About Dominance

Dominance in the DiSC assessment is defined as “[placing] an emphasis on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.” The key phrases in that definition define D-type DiSC personality styles well. Let’s look at each of them. Shaping the environment involves taking action to change a current situation. D-type DiSC personality styles like to take action; they don’t often hang back and wait for change to find them. This can be interpreted as being forceful or commandeering, but it can also be a positive, motivating trait. D types will also seek to “overcome opposition.” They do not tend to be patient seekers of compromise, preferring instead to tackle challenges head-on (again, with potentially forceful or driven behaviors). Finally, D types seek always to “accomplish results.” They are exceptionally goal-driven and tend to be competitive, viewing success as a collection of measurable objectives.

D-Type DiSC Personality Styles — Dominant Roles in the Workplace

D types make up many people in leadership roles throughout many organizations. Dominant people often find themselves in positions of leadership precisely because they are competitive and results-oriented. Particularly in the “traditional” sense of leadership, the ambition of the Dominant personality is often rewarded with more power and responsibility. On a team, D types will often dominate group discussion and seek to create overall goals for the team. They are less likely to be concerned with details or ensuring that all members of the team agree with their ideas.

Strengths and Challenges of D Types

Dominant personalities are often perceived (and can sometimes manifest) as “masculine” and aggressive. Understanding the Dominant personality trait well, however, shows that the D personality type isn’t “positive” or “negative” but simply descriptive. Successful leaders with D types will only succeed as far as they’re able to listen to their colleagues and employees. D types can often provide a strong sense of purpose to an organization, fueling and inspiring other team members with their passion, drive, and willingness to embrace difficult problems. On the other hand, D types need to keep their tendencies in check when they could infringe on the voices and participation of others. Understanding their own tendencies is key to getting D types to slow down, think more conscientiously of how their actions might affect others, and listen to other points of view.

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